Our big welcome back to the county schools came in a big way.
Don't be jealous, it came in the form of a germ invasion.
All 4 kids have been hit hard. Carley J does not find it humorous one bit. She has reminded me that she is still homeschooling, she should not have to suffer such consequences because of her siblings choices.
Oh that girl of mine, she makes me smile.
I could tell she needed a bit of a "pick-me-up" today.
She looked pretty down and out. Once again reminding me that it wasn't fair that she was getting sick too. Poor thing has it worse than the others too.
I looked at our tree, and it was obvious something was missing...garland.
I put her to work, hoping to distract her from her debate on germ fairness with me. IT WORKED!
In a few hours we had a lovely, long strand of popcorn and Trix cereal garland.
She was glad to be done and happy with her work. We promptly added it to the tree and like magic in a matter of seconds it looked better.
We are quite certain it needs more garland but we decided her thumb didn't need to endure anymore needle pokes today.
I love how diving into something Christmas can just boost your outlook. It sure helped Carley J forget those nasty germs, even if it was just a couple of hours.